Friday, August 28, 2009

Taking criticism

The ladies at the Stiletto Gang graciously invited me to blog with them regularly. So on the last Friday of every month, that's where I'll be, and where I am today. Just remember, when you see a Stiletto post from me, your bills are almost due. :-)

This month I've been turning over revision feedback from my editor, which prompted my post called Atkins Editing: Thick Meat, No Bread. I have so much to learn about the publishing business, and growing a thick skin is something I'm working on.

Sincere thanks to all of you who participated in this week's contest, and congratulations to the winners! I wish I could send books to everyone. Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.


  1. Enjoyed reading the Stiletto Gang blog. Love the Atkins metaphor...need to remeber teh sandwich when I need to criticize, but you know me, I really don't like to be negative...


  2. need to add a spell check to the comments...I really do know how to spell "remember" and "the"!


  3. Hi Cathy! hehe. You're right. I tried to see if I could edit the comments and fix that for you but if there's a way to do it, I don't see it. No worries, I know you can spell! You're like me... I don't like catching typos after the fact. I'm glad you liked the post. Seemed fitting at the time. :-)
